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Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Determine the Market Value of Your Home

Welcome back to my video blog. Today, I wanted to talk to you about how to determine the market value of your home. Now, there are several different websites where you can enter information about your home where a computer-generated model will give you a range. The truth, though, is most of the time those numbers aren’t accurate.

Some sellers hire an appraiser to help determine the market value of their home. Well, if you bring in three different appraisers, chances are you will get three different values.

The best way to determine the true market value of your home is through the free market place and buyers. When we do a free market analysis for you, we look at trends, homes sold, how many homes are on the market now, etc. This will educate you enough to determine a range that your home will sell in and together we can determine the best list price to help you reach your goal of getting the home sold for the most money in the proper amount of time.